Today, in its present capacity, this lake serves as a second major source of drinking water of the city of Udaipur. One may opt to drive along the east bank while enjoying the scenic beauty of the lakeside or go in for a boat ride to any of the three islands of the lake that is a sure to be a pleasure with their distinct fervor and panoramic location. The largest of the three islands is indeed a lovely garden known as Nehru Park, which has been named after the esteemed first Prime Minister of India, Jawahar Lal Nehru. Its focal point is the boat shaped café, which is a hot favorite amongst the visitors who love to sip coffee as they take in the reigning tranquility and serenity of the place. The second island is for more scientific-minded people, especially those who love astronomy, as this is the place where a high-resolution solar observatory is strategically installed. It is considered a prime site for obtaining good solar images because of its secluded location with clear skies above and clear waters below it. The smallest island to the west has proved itself useful by providing a site to support a jet fountain. Lake Fateh Sagar is connected to Lake Pichhola through a canal that has gates. The lake has shape of a pear but has scant vegetation surrounding it.