The desert land of Rajasthan is known for its Sand Dunes. Read to know more about the Sand Dunes of Rajasthan, India.

The only sand dunes of Rajasthan complete with camel safaris for the adventurous to give you the real feel of the desert life are Sam Sand Dunes, 42 km from Jaisalmer. With desert winds as their eternal sculptor, these dunes change beautiful colors with the movement of the sun in the beautiful clear skies of Rajasthan. The sand dunes are eternal but keep shifting with the movement of the winds, which marks as one of the nature's most interesting and picturesque phenomena. It is amazing to see the remarkable structure and patterns that the winds create with the sand and it is still more surprising to see how the living creatures have adapted so naturally to this unique environment. Silvery by the moonlight of the full moon and golden in the sunshine, these sand dunes keep changing colors as their shadows shift by the passing minutes and have always seduced photographers with their perfectly contoured shadows of ripples and undulating crests. The scenic dunes of the Thar have a monotone that gives a spotlight effect to the artists who perform various acrobatic feats and dance nimbly and gracefully on the tunes of the haunting echoing songs and music of their troupe with an easiness of their natural undisturbed beauty. A new experience unfolds before the eyes of the beholder as one sees the magnificent architecture of the Jaisalmer fort that one may mistook for a mirage for the first time in the dry arid land. The barrenness of the region transfers the emotions of the human mind to the region, which can at once be the most incredibly beautiful, romantic, thrilling, eerie, treacherous or just plainly inhospitable. Sunsets in the sand dunes are divine and marks the time to get lost in the various cultural programmes organized for the tourists, which provide you with an opportunity to glimpse into the rich culture of the land.